1 May 2022
by design, i believe
(penned on a plane home from Scotland)
Why was I designed
to absorb to my core
the emotions
of people
the essence of events
of things
in my midst?
Why does the world come at me
so loud, so wild, so scorched, so intense?
If it is, it has purpose.
I believe – a leap of faith.
Best to move through it –
embrace it, seek its limits,
explore its offerings
both new and old.
Not many are similarly blessed –
or cursed.
Whether it is
whispered leaves of trees,
dew on tulip’s tongue,
ballet of particles
aloft above hot water
arduous despair
of unrequited love,
love discovered too late
succumbing, desperate, to fate.
In those moments, I am.
I will always be,
for through these moments
I become me.
